
AI is hot and many parties want to get started with it. The demand for expertise is high and the supply is limited. It is expected that the demand for AI specialists in the Netherlands alone will increase enormously in the coming years.

To meet those needs, ITHAX has set up its AI Mentoring Program. This program is a nice mix between knowledge building and practical experience, for a fixed amount per month. We train you and think along with you in your daily practice.

The development of AI technology is moving fast and many people can’t keep up with it all in addition to their regular work. That is why we act as a sparring partner.

We have AI as our core business, so we keep up with all these developments, test new techniques and models and apply this in a wide range of customer projects. As a result, we can advise on which technique works in which situation based on practical experience. ITHAX is not tied to a specific technology or supplier and can therefore provide an independent picture of developments and the market.

How does the mentor program work?

Continuity is the key word in the mentoring program. We don’t believe in a crash course of a few days and then get started on your own. To work effectively with AI, alternating between knowledge accumulation and practical application is crucial. You experiment with techniques, see the effect of an approach and learn in practice what works best.

As a participant in the mentoring program, you will spend 1 day per quarter at ITHAX on the WFC Campus. During that day, we spend half a day building knowledge and the other part of the day sparring about the participant’s practical situation. We think along with you about cases, answer questions or tackle specific problems that the participant encounters.

With that knowledge in his or her pocket, the participant goes back into practice and starts working for his or her employer. We are always available remotely for questions and gradually you build up more and more knowledge.

In total, you will be on campus with us for 4 days a year and the other days you will work within your own company. This will secure knowledge and ensure that you are always up to date with the latest developments and apply this in your own practice.


What are the costs of the mentor program?

ITHAX offers the mentoring program for a fixed amount per year. This includes: 

  • 4x a 1-on-1 knowledge day on the ITHAX campus
  • Access to our teaching materials 
  • Access to our remote support 5 days a week 

For an individual participant, these costs amount to EUR 4,995 excluding VAT per year. It is also possible to do this together with a colleague. In addition, you can work together and the retention of knowledge in your organization is even better. And the great thing is, every additional participant from the same organization will receive a 50% discount on the above rate!

Sounds great, where do I start?

If you would like to start the mentoring program, please contact Patrick.
He will schedule an intake interview with you, during which we will take stock of your current role, what your current level of knowledge is and what you want to achieve with AI in the short and medium to long term.

Don’t worry if you don’t know this exactly, we’ll start generalistic and gradually discover together where the best opportunities lie for you and your organization.

Based on this intake, we make a schedule and record the campus days. We draw up a programme for each campus day and then we can get started.

After the first year, we will evaluate what you have learned and how you want to continue. If you have enough knowledge to continue independently, that’s ok. If you want to continue learning and perhaps explore a specific topic, we can continue the mentoring program. We continuously update the content of the mentoring program so that we can always explain the latest techniques and principles to you.

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